Your CHARGE Sport & Fitness DNA Analysis
Find out which sport & nutrition type you are and which CHARGE Sports Drink fits you perfectly.
Your nutrition and fitness is as unique as you are: The genetic information about how macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrates, fats and proteins) are metabolized is unique to each of us. That’s why general fitness and sports tips don’t work.
With the analysis of 120 gene variations, the analysis is the most comprehensive on the market and shows you exactly which sports type you are.
Based on the DNA analysis evaluation, you will receive concrete recommendations for action and nutrition as well as precise information about your fitness behavior. CHARGE Sports Drinks provide you with the perfect formulas for your sports type
Your personal sports & fitness package

Gain awareness of your body through your sports & fitness DNA analysis, for more athletic & physical success.
On more than 160 pages you will find a professional and understandable explanation of what the evaluation of your analysis means and how you can implement it accordingly in your everyday life.
All-inclusive reports about your body
Immediately and easily applicable in everyday life
Mobile access to your DNA evaluation
(unit price 279€)

Monthly pack CHARGE Sports Drinks + CHARGE Bottle
Based on your DNA analysis evaluation, we will send you a monthly package (30 sticks) of your CHARGE Sports Drink, which optimally fits your sport & fitness type.
For all subsequent orders you will receive a 10% discount. A lifetime.
Tailored formulas for your sport
Gluten & lactose free, vegan & calorie reduced
100% plastic-free or recyclable packaging
(unit price 59,80€)
The procedure – it works that simple!

Step 1
Choose your DNA test kit today

Step 2
Get your DNA test kit for home

Step 3
Send your saliva sample back to us

Step 4
Receive your evaluation in 3 weeks
Contents of the DNA analysis
The ACTIVE LIFE DNA analysis in detail
Nutrition & Diet Features (7 reports)
Regain the lost weight
The reaction to saturated fats
The response to monounsaturated fats
The response to polyunsaturated fats
The response to carbohydrates
Diet type
Vitamin & Mineral Requirements Characteristics (7 reports)
Sodium (salt)
Bone density
Body function characteristics (2 reports)
Sleep cycle
Sports & Fitness Features (10 reports)
Strength training
Fat free body mass
Gene for muscle volume
VO2max (your aerobic potential)
Heart capacity
Muscle fatigue gene
Recovery after training
Risk of injury to the soft tissue
Cardiovascular system characteristics (5 reports)
LDL cholesterol (the “bad” cholesterol)
Blood sugar
protein (CRP)
Food table
From more than 1000 analyzed foods you will learn to which you react rather well or not so well
Cereal products
Egg products
Bakery products
Dairy products
Fruit products
Vegetable products
Potato products
meat products
White meat products
Marine products
Animal meals
Vegetarian meals
Sausage slices
& Fats
Non-alcoholic beverages
Alcoholic beverages
How can I reach my goals faster with a DNA analysis and CHARGE Sports Drinks?
Many general tips are given in the nutrition and fitness section. Diets such as low-carb, detox or clean eating are also general. In fact, however, each person has a different disposition. So a certain diet or fitness exercise may work for your friends, but do the opposite for you.
Physical fitness
Find out your sport & fitness type and choose a type of training tailored to you, so that it best fits your genetic makeup, as it plays an important role for your body when it comes to burning fat, losing weight or achieving physical performance gains.
Playing any sport can have both positive and negative effects on everyone’s health and your well-being.
Among other things, your genetic makeup, your physical recovery ability, your muscular injury risk, and your fat tissue buildup will all affect your performance.
Vitamins & Minerals
Your DNA lays down the basic building blocks necessary for your body to metabolize macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) and store them as energy, as well as meet your vitamin and mineral needs.
Likewise, your DNA influences how your body reacts to certain nutrients and foods and how it can utilize them optimally.
Diet & Nutrition
What does your body utilize well, what does it tend to store (make you fat)?
Find out if you are more of a carbohydrate person or if you should eat more protein or fat and which “diet” will be most effective for you.
CHARGE Sports Drinks
CHARGE Sports Drinks are tailor-made for your sport!
Each of the 4 Sports Drinks contains perfectly balanced ingredients to help you perform at your best in your sport. – No more and no less.
They contain only natural color & flavor extracts and do not contain any artificial ingredients such as preservatives or stabilizers.
Because the drinks are hypotonic, they hydrate you more quickly than isotonic drinks or water.
MYFOODBOOK – The unique cookbook according to your DNA!
Get a 28-day diet plan & 60 personalized cooking recipes
Foods and recipes to match your nutrition type. Nutrigenetic predispositions play an important role in micro- and macronutrient digestion and consequently influence the nutrient requirements of each dietary type.
Based on your genetic makeup, we create a personalized cookbook that is 100% customized to your personal nutritional type.
Eat consciously, save time and have the perfect solution for your right nutrition
Your time savings
We provide you with all the information you need to prepare a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner, saving you time at the supermarket!
Your money saving
We offer you a large selection of individual recipes and so you can eat only what is good for your body.
Less food waste
You buy only the ingredients that you really need, to the gram, and thus reduce food waste.

The security of your data is important to us!
Your DNA sample will be stored in a secure facility with controlled access. It is pseudonymized with a unique identification code and only selected people have access to the association with your personal data.
Your saliva sample and its DNA sequence will be destroyed 2 months after the analysis is completed.
We work according to the requirements of the DSGVO and the security of your data is our top priority. MYBODYDNA always uses the most up-to-date software and information technology to ensure that your information is never shared with an unauthorized person without your explicit consent.
The transmission of your personal and payment information through our website is secured by the latest SSL encryption.