Sample evaluation

The MYBODY pattern evaluation

For your sustainable future!

The sample evaluation gives you a direct insight into the reports of the mybody DNAanalysis. With the sample evaluation you have an extract of a mybodyDNA analysis to see what your DNA analysis may look like.

Dna analysis and food book

mybody DNA analysis pattern evaluation
We realize that the topic of DNA analysis may still be new to you and that you are not quite sure what to expect.

Therefore, you can request a condensed sample evaluation of the MY INFINITY DNA analysis here and browse a bit.

R Evaluations with examples
R 32 from over 200 pages

My Foodbook Cookbook with DNA ANALYSIS Slimming

The MY FOODBOOK – sample evaluation
What does a recipe adapted to me look like? Is this just regular food or super special?

We would also like to answer this question for you and include a complete food book with the sample evaluation.

R Individual diet plan and recipe book
R Excerpt from the book of about 200 pages

Re-Aging – Everything about your skin appearance

Dna analysis and food book

DNA analysis – sample evaluation
We realize that the topic of DNA analysis may still be new to you and that you are not quite sure what to expect.

Therefore, you can request a sample evaluation of the MY SKINCARE analysis here and browse a bit.

R Evaluations with examples
R 25 from over 60 pages
R Completely free

Our DNA analyses

Nutrition & Exercise
Dna analysis and food book


Vitally experience more and uniquely learn more based on DNA.

Align diet and exercise to proactively increase physical vitality.

(32 DNA analysis reports in 6 chapters)

Nutrition & Health

Dna analysis and food book


The diet and holistic body functions are important for one’s well-being.

Listening to your own body without abandonment to regulate your desired weight.

(54 DNA analysis reports in 8 chapters)

The complete package

Dna analysis and food book


Life is too short not to try new things. Because habits make all the difference.

In order to open up new paths, it is necessary to take a look at the map. DNA is the so-called “blueprint of the human being”.

(72 DNA analysis reports in 12 chapters)


Dna analysis and food book


The formula for healthy skin and long-lasting beauty, is in your DNA.

(18 DNA analysis reports in 4 chapters)