Change of diet with mybody

DNA influences genetic tendencies such as obesity, hunger pangs and the yo-yo effect. Thus, the body also metabolizes carbohydrates, fats and proteins as the genes want it to.

Losing weight can be so simple

DNA influences metabolism, eating habits and food tolerance. This means that each person reacts individually to food and has their own needs.

Eat more carbohydrates, proteins or fats? Extensive nutrition tips help with the personal diet. DNA can be used to determine the genetically predisposed calorie requirement per day.

Traditional weight loss approaches can have gaps. Therefore, any additional information may reveal gaps that have not yet been discovered.

A DNA analysis contains recommendations that can be used as a building block in a conventional weight loss concept. We identify the mybody metabolic types*, which are related to the topic of nutrition and diet.


54 DNA analysis reports

How does my body respond to the actionable items from the following topics?

Diet and nutrition - Features (7 reports)

Vitamin & Mineral Requirements - Features (9 reports)

Metabolic function - Characteristics (4 reports)

Sports & Fitness - Features (10 reports)

Your DNA nutrition test on the PC (laptop) or smartphone (cell phone).

DNA test’s with mybody

Mybody wants to show the inclinations of the body

The own genes can help with the best possible dietary change to achieve the desired weight without gaining weight again later. This knowledge can help as an additional building block in a balanced nutritional approach. As part of the dietary change, genetically recommended foods can be purchased and adapted meals can be prepared.


Everyone is different & has their own goals

Start now with your sustainable diet change

Lose weight successfully and in a targeted manner

With the MY INFINITY you have the following contents:

Diet and nutrition – Features
Vitamin & Mineral Requirements – Features
Dietary habits – Features
Metabolic function – Features
Body and detoxification processes – features
Sports & Fitness – Features
Cardiovascular system – features
Food table


Still a little undecided how this should look?

Let the sample evaluation impress you!

As is so often the case, general tips do not lead to the desired goal. Therefore, the sample evaluation gives you direct insights into the reports of the DNA analysis of mybody instead.

With the sample evaluation you have a free extract of a DNA analysis to see how your DNA analysis can look like.